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How to prepare various types of cut vegetables

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You will often use the julienne when making a salad, or any other dish that requires similar-thickness vegetables. This type of cut is simple to prepare. Simply slice each vegetable into thin strips, then stack them one after the other. Juliennes make leafy greens more delicious. They roll the leaves into a tube, cut into thin strips, then stack them.


Many restaurants use julienne cut to prepare their vegetable, but the brunoise cutter is a flexible alternative to julienne. This technique allows vegetables cut into 3mm cubes. This is especially helpful for vegetables such as potatoes which are more difficult than others. Here are some tips to help you get started if you're not sure.


Chiffonade can be described as a French cooking technique. Thin strips of leafy vegetables, or larger herbs, are cut into thin strips to look like a sliver. The French term chiffonade, which means "in the rags", is eleganter than rags. It can be made with a variety green thin leaves, such as spinach, sorrel, or radicchio.

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This is an easy task that can be accomplished by simply chopping and cupping vegetables. How do you ensure that your vegetables cook evenly? Oblique cutting means that more of the vegetable's surface is exposed to heat. This type of cut, also known by a roll-cut, allows you to make pieces that are identical in size and shape but not uniformly. This tutorial will show you how to make an Oblique Cut in your own kitchen.


You'll be inspired to try the Paysanne cut vegetables method. This method uses a miniature stick to cut vegetables into butter-like pieces. This demonstration used a daikon-radish vegetable. A chef's blade is better if you are looking for a more complicated cut. You should keep the blade sharp.

Oblique cut

If you love to cook and are looking for a new cut to add to your vegetable repertoire, you should learn how to make the oblique cut. It's a simple technique that gives vegetables a more even and uniform cooking time. Oblique cuts are also known as roll cuts, and they are easy to master. These cuts are good for stir-frying and roasting.

5 cooking tips


Peel the vegetables and wash them before you can julienne or cut them. Cut them into strips about 0.3-1.5 cm in length. To create matchstick-like strips, stack multiple strips on top of one another. You can use julienned vegetables in every dish, including stir-frying. Any type of vegetable can be julienned, including peppers, cucumbers and potatoes.

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How to be a Chef

There are many options for becoming a chef. To start, you can take a course at your local community college. You can then look into going to culinary school. Finally, consider a paid internship.

How can I get hired for my job as a cook

You can get a job as a cook through word of mouth. You might be able to find out about a restaurant looking for additional staff through your family and friends. There are often openings posted on websites and bulletin boards.

Where can I buy good quality kitchen equipment?

High-quality kitchen equipment can be purchased online. Many websites offer all types of kitchen equipment for purchase. However, it is important to check reviews and ratings before making any purchase of kitchen equipment. If you have similar items to purchase, ask your friends and family if they would recommend them.

How Do I Learn About Cooking?

There are many cooking classes available all over the country. There are many schools that offer courses in pastry, baking, and wine tasting. A local community college, vocational school, or private institution can offer classes in cooking.

How do you get hired as a Chef?

To get a job as chef, you must first complete a culinary arts degree. You should next join a professional organization such as the American Culinary Federation. This association offers certification exams as well as networking opportunities.

Can you learn to cook on your own?

Yes, it is possible to be a self-taught chef! The joy of cooking is something that everybody enjoys doing, no matter their skill level. If you're interested in learning how cook at home, then start cooking. Start small with simple things like spaghetti sauce or pancakes for breakfast. Try new recipes and be open to experimentation when learning how to cook. It's possible that you will make mistakes.

It takes anywhere from several hours to several weeks to learn how to cook, depending on your skill level. Remember that cooking is not about following recipes. There are many ways of cooking food. So if you have an idea for a recipe, use it.


  • In the United States, the category is estimated at $23.2 billion annually and is growing faster than the market. (washingtonpost.com)
  • under 10 Kids have been taught that there is special food just for them, and Fiese says that 10 percent of kids will throw a tantrum if they don't get the food they want. (washingtonpost.com)
  • The median pay for a chef or head cook is $53,380 per year or $25.66/hour, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). (learnhowtobecome.org)

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How To

How to cook a steak

The thickness and cooking method of any kind of meat will affect the way it is cooked. Thicker steaks cook best at low heat. Thicker steaks require higher temperatures.

You should also ensure you don't overcook them because they'll lose flavor. You should always remove the steak from the skillet when it's done. This will prevent you from burning yourself.

Cooking times vary depending on the size and degree of doneness desired. Here are some general guidelines.

Medium Rare: Cook the meat until it reaches medium rare (63°C). This can take anywhere from 3 to 5 minutes per side.

Medium: Cook until medium, which means the internal temp reaches 160degF (71degC). This takes approximately 6 minutes per side.

Well Done: Cook until well done, which means the internal temps reach 180degF (82degC). This normally takes 8 to 12 minutes per side.


How to prepare various types of cut vegetables